The Bankruptcy Center of John D. Raymond
Our office remains open, and in response to COVID-19 we have expanded our options for remote consultations and virtual meetings. Please contact our office to discuss what meeting option best fits your situation.

When your future is at
stake, we’ll help you
Get A Fresh Start.


We value the referrals you provide us, and we’d like to reward you with a $100 Visa gift card for each referral you provide us that results in a new FindLaw customer*.

Complete the referral form below and click submit. The person you refer will receive an email indicating that you referred him/her to FindLaw. (We’ll send you a copy as well.) The person you referred will be contacted for a meeting. If the person you referred becomes a new FindLaw customer within 90 days of your referral, we’ll send you a $100 gift card. See full terms & conditions below.

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*Terms & Conditions

  • All fields must be complete and accurate or your referral submission will be invalid
  • This program is not retroactive to previous referrals or sales
  • Valid referrals must be submitted through the online referral form; telephone, verbal, email or other forms of referral are not eligible
  • The referral will expire 90 days after the day on which the referral form is submitted
  • Attorneys may not refer their own firm; referrals must come from a firm other than the one being referred
  • Only one gift card will be issued for each new FindLaw customer. If more than one individual refers the same new subscriber to FindLaw, then the gift card will be sent to the individual whose referral form was submitted first
  • Gift cards expire 12 months from issue date
  • Gift cards will be fulfilled within four months of the sale
  • FindLaw reserves the right to cancel this program at any time without notice. Referrals submitted on or before the program termination date will be honored in accordance with these terms
  • FindLaw retains the right to reject orders for any reason
  • By participating in the program, you agree to the Visa Terms & Conditions, which can be found at